

Campus tours are given from time to time on request. They are also part of the annual Jane's Walks in the beginning of May. Below are some examples:

Jane's Walk, May 3, 2024

Jane's Walk, May 2, 2019.

Walking Indigenous Pasts, Presents, and Futures

Led by Yann Allard-Tremblay, Ruth Koleszar-Green, Alan Corbiere, Lance Morrison, Anders Sandberg, Jesse Thistle, Lisa Myers, and Randy Pitawanakwat. – together with the Centre for Aboriginal Student Services, the Indigenous Advisor to the President, Community Engagement and Community Relations, Faculty of Environmental Studies
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm | Meet at Pioneer Village Subway Station south of Steeles. They will gather outside the station.

This tour takes us in and around the York University Keele campus where walkers will reflect on the responsibilities of being in the treaty territory known as the Dish with One Spoon. Led by Indigenous and non-Indigenous guides, the tour visits an Inuit sculpture, Ahqahizu, the Centre for Aboriginal Student Support, the Indigenous home Skennen’kó:wa Gamig, and the site of a Huron-Wendat village near Black Creek. Guides will discuss other campus features where the Indigenous presence is both visible as well as obscured or even erased. At these sites, and throughout the tour, we point to initiatives that intend to strengthen Indigenous presence, visibility and engagement on the campus.


Poster of Alternative Campus Tour held on April 20 and May 5, 2013.

Poster (500 px)

Text on poster: Get an insider perspective behind the highly publicized “Middle East War” which took place in Vari Hall, learn about how Stong Pond was connected to the flash flood that washed out a section of Finch Avenue in 2005, hear the concerns of women studying on a campus originally built for men and cars and discover how the 2015 Pan American Games may be a threat to the Michael Boyer Woodlot.


Jane's Walk 2015